I have some of the best conversations with Andy. These are a few of my faves. . .
"Mom I don't want you to ever ride a horse again. (Few second pause) but Sadie can."
(Andy) "Mom, I just really want a brother so bad."
(Me) "But what if you had another sister"
(Andy with lots of excitement) "Would it be a big sister?"
(Andy)"Mom we speak english"
(Me) "You are right"
(Andy) "And Michael speaks spanish, why"
(Me) "Because he was in Peru and that is what they speak there. In America we speak English"
(Andy) " Where do they speak whale? Will you teach me?"
(Me) "Probably whales speak whale. I am definitely no expert in that"
(Andy) "What about Mountain. Does anyone speak mountain?"
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thoughts of a 4 year old
Posted by Amber at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Posted by Amber at 8:12 PM 2 comments
Sunday, August 8, 2010
While at this cabin with Kent's family, we decided to go on a little horseback riding, trail ride. Kent was back at work so I left Sadie with Kent's mom and Andy came with us but went on a walk with Kent's dad while we went riding. About half way into the ride, the horse in front of me moved off to the side of the trail a little bit and gave a very powerful kick with his hind leg going straight into my leg. Luckily I was able to keep my horse calm and pull it over to the side but I new immediately my leg was very broken. It took about 3 hours to get to a hospital. My tibia was completely broken in half. I am now part robot thanks to a plate and 8 screws in my leg to stabilize the bone. I was told I couldn't walk for 12 weeks. That is a long time with a 4 and 1 year old. My family took the kids back to Cali for a month since I was unable to even get out of bed at first. They come back tomorrow. We are sooo excited. I still have 8 weeks til I can walk and hopefully everything mends properly. What a summer!
Posted by Amber at 8:55 AM 2 comments
Summer Fun
Andy is obsessed with Killer Whales so a trip to Sea World was in the agenda. Andy could have starred at Shamu all day.
California was quickly followed by a trip to a cabin with Kent's family.
Andy loved the fire pit, flying down the zip line, fishing, riding bikes, and of course, more cousins.
Unfortunately this trip was cut a little short. . .
Posted by Amber at 7:52 AM 1 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Our pride and Joy
We borrowed our neighbors rototiller after the we cleaned up the piles. The thing had more power than a small car.
This past month we have spent every spare daylight moment (especially Kent) on this garden project. And now we have. . .
A GARDEN. We have lots of herbs, like 7 kinds of tomatoes, corn, peppers, pumpkins, peas, beans, carrots, and watermelon.
Posted by Amber at 10:23 PM 3 comments
This is what taking pictures of the kids usually look like. Once and a while I get lucky and actually capture one with them looking at the camera.
To finish of the day we stumbled on the awesome BBQ place with a cute old town for the kids to play in. Yeah for Thomas.
Posted by Amber at 9:57 PM 2 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Beautiful Day
We went for a beautiful little walk today along a trail near our home. We were loving all the trees, the rock work, the perfect temperature. I was talking to Kent about how fun it would be to own one of the homes that backed up to this trail, how our kids would love to play down here as they got older, etc. when suddenly. . .
Posted by Amber at 6:55 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Free Stuff
I am a sucker for good deals and free stuff. I thought I'd pass this good deal along. Quiznos is giving away froo subs to a million people. Get your free coupon here http://www.millionsubs.com/Reg.php
Just remember to opt out of getting emails from quiznos when you are done through this link
Posted by Amber at 1:47 PM 2 comments