Sunday, December 9, 2007

Snow Days

We have had some more snowy days and Andy-man loves the snow (until he gets cold). He pushes his face up to the back door and yells nose, nose (his word for snow) until we bundle up and go outside. He especially likes to eat it, laying flat on his stomach, chompin away. Unfortunately he is not particular about the quality of snow he is eating.


Panda said...

Andy-Man!! He looks so big! What a fun little dude. I still can't believe how big he looks since the last time we've seen him!

Panda said...

Andy-Man!! He looks so big! What a fun little dude. I still can't believe how big he looks since the last time we've seen him!

Panda said...

oops. Well, might as well put on a 3rd comment....I like your title and the Alaskan lovers :-)