Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun at the Fair

We went to the fair last week and had a great time. We went on $2 day (I think $8 is a little steep for the fair), went on a few rides, saw lots of animals, played on lots of truck, ate a little food and went home. Andy loved riding the horse. I am glad there is another horse lover in the family. I still haven't given up my dream of having my own horse someday.

Kinda scary billy goat.

Andy loved the big slide. He would just run up the stairs on his own.
He even convinced his grampy to go for a ride with him. As soon as he got to the bottom he would take off running back up the stairs again.
Andy likes most little boys loves truck. The fair had lots of trucks and motorcycles for him to sit on and pretend to drive. This digger was one of his favorites.


Nate said...

I love the look on his face on that slide - sheer joy . .that kid is such a thrill seeker it makes me laugh.

Mike and Shelby said...

Did you ever go to the OC fair? I miss that one...but this one sufficed. :)