Saturday, November 7, 2009

Beautiful Day

We went for a beautiful little walk today along a trail near our home. We were loving all the trees, the rock work, the perfect temperature. I was talking to Kent about how fun it would be to own one of the homes that backed up to this trail, how our kids would love to play down here as they got older, etc. when suddenly. . .

Andy got a little to close to the side of the pathway and went sliding down the hill towards the little river. Poor kid was screaming. I had Sadie but Kent went flying after him. It took them a few minutes to get back up the hill because it was very slick. Andy was very shaken when he got back to the trail and thanked both Kent and I for saving him. It was darling.

So for know I am glad our home doesn't back up to a ravine with a little river. Life might become a little more exciting than I want.

Happy Halloween!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Free Stuff

I am a sucker for good deals and free stuff. I thought I'd pass this good deal along. Quiznos is giving away froo subs to a million people. Get your free coupon here
Just remember to opt out of getting emails from quiznos when you are done through this link

Tuesday, February 24, 2009



Over the weekend we were so excited to not only hear birds chirping again but we found this in the front yard in spots where the snow was beginning to melt.

And today I found this!

All Dressed Up

Andys newest smile

He's not trying to kill her all the time

Friday, February 13, 2009


Word on the street is that In N Out is coming to Draper in the fall! Finally one within driving distance. Wish it was in SLC but Draper is a good second. Utah is becoming a good second home to this transplanted Californian.

Best Time of the Day

One of Andy's redeeming qualities has been that he is a good napper. That has all changed over the last few weeks, maybe due to the baby, maybe cuz he's almost 3, who knows. They have gone from 2-3 hours to virtually non existence. He layed down for a nap today and 30 minutes later after he begun kicking the walls I went in and found him far from fast asleep. His decals on the wall are now no more. He found some helicopters that were entertaining him. The helicopters were saying, "Don't hit the baby" and "OK, timeout". I will be so sad if he stops napping!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Belated Announcement

Little Sadie joined our family on January 8. She is such a great baby (not hard to be when you have Andy as the benchmark) and is a perfect addition.

We have survived a month and am hopeful we can continue to keep Sadie out of Andy's reach.

Props to all you parents that have more than one kid and manage to leave the house. I took the kids out by myself twice this week and it will be awhile before that happens again.