A few days ago I had been out plant shopping with Andyman. Getting to the car is often the trickypart (as many of you moms can relate to). I was trying to juggle andy so he doesn't take off running, the plants I had just bought and my purse while trying to dig my keys out of my purse. At some point I put my wallet on the top of my car without realizing it and drove off. About 20 minutes later I got a call from American Express saying someone had found my wallet (I didn't even know it was gone at this point) and had called them to get in touch with me. Amer Express gave me this girls cell phone number who had my wallet. I called her and was able to go pick it up. She had found it a few blocks from where I had been, in the middle of the street, in a construction zone under an overpass and it was about 6pm. Talk about a major disaster diverted. I am so thankful for all the good honest people out there, and this girl in particular.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
California Dreamin
My parents recently made a quick trip to Utah and so Andy and I accompanied them back to Cali. In case you were wondering Cali rocks, especially when it is winter in utah. This trip was as great as always which makes it hard to leave. We have been back in Utah a few days and it has already snowed 3 times. We miss Cali and can't wait to go back!Andy making pancakes with grandpa. Andy adores my dad. He loved helping my dad feed the birds, go for walks around the yard and reservoir. Andy has recently become obsessed with fires and my dad would let him help make fires in the fireplace even though it was in th 80's.
Maybe next years easter egg decorating will work out a little better.
Andy loves his cousins so much. From the second he woke up in the morning to bed time he would play with his cousins. We are excited that these 2 cousins are coming to visit next week!
More cousins! Andy and Trent are like 4 weeks apart in age (though Trent is like double andy's size). They are a little competitive but I know they will be such good buddies as they get older!
Posted by Amber at 12:32 PM 4 comments
Friends Forever
10 years ago, my freshman year at BYU, I met this amazing girl from Georgia named Erica. She loved to dance, flirt and have fun as much as I did and had this great southern accent. We became great friends and we still remain close to this day even though we haven't lived in the same state for like 7 years. We recently met up in Cali and braved 2 days at Disneyland with 2 1-year olds and a 5 year old. I laughed for most of the two days straight and we had a great time!Thank goodness for our harness backpacks for andy and carolina!
Posted by Amber at 12:14 PM 2 comments
Brian + Christina
My brother Brian has officially popped the question to Christina. They are getting married the end of this summer in Boston. We are so excited he found such a cute, fun girl to be our sister in law (and his wife). And we can't wait for our trip back east! I haven't seen the sparkler yet, but I hear its a beauty. Good job Bud!
Posted by Amber at 12:07 PM 0 comments
And he is going to. . . .
PERU!!!!! My brother Mike got his mission call and we are SOOOO excited! Its crazy cuz it seems like he was this adorable 5 year old kid like yesterday.Mike, Brian, Christina, and our cousin Wil came to our house to open the call. We set up the web cam with the rest of the fam in cali so everyone could be part of the occasion.
My little bros aren't so little any more!
Andy has this special connection to his uncle Mike. He adores him. It is really cute.
Posted by Amber at 11:56 AM 1 comments
A few weeks ago we went with some friends to the firestation for a tour. The kids had a blast and the firemen were so cute with them. They made sure to only show the "cool stuff". Lots of bribes involved to get 8 kids sitting still in front of this sign.
Andy loves wheels and was absolutely captivated by the fire engines giant wheels. They are still a topic of conversation.
Not so sure about driving the fire engine.
Most kids wanted to hold the hose, Andy wanted to put his fingers in it.
Posted by Amber at 11:33 AM 2 comments